FunkWhois - [Demo] - [Download]
FunkWhois - A 'whois' domain lookup tool. Can be configured for single tld or multiple tld look up.
Can display the owners details for domains already registered and has the option to link to your
registration script, should you have one, to register domains that are available. TLD look-ups that are not already
configured can very easily be added. Asimple add-on script to send you emails of requested domains can be
downloaded HERE
For a list of additional TLDs that can be added see the FunkWhois support pages HERE
V1.9 - Release date 18 January 2023
What's new
Altered - No longer waits for all servers to respond. Displays results as it gets them
Fixed - Updated some of the server response strings
Fixed - Fixed the IP ban section
Fixed - Now fully PHP V8.1 compliant.
V1.8 - Release date 4 December 2018
What's new
Altered - Text input box. 'domain' now clears when box is clicked
Fixed - Now fully PHP V7.1 compliant.
V1.7 - Release date 22 January 2017
What's new
Altered - Table width and input box width. Now a % of screen width. Works with mobiles
Added - Now removes spaces from start and end of search string
Added - Server connection timeout to whois_config file
Added - Display number of servers that didn't respond
Added - Buffer flushing to try and fix display not updating until all servers have replied
V1.6 - Release date 26 December 2013
What's new
Added - Port error warnings
Fixed - Some 'self' calls were not working correctly
Fixed - PHP 'eregi' deprecated
V1.5 - Release date 25 February 2011
What's new
Added - Option to not display the pull down tld list and to display the results for all the tlds in the config file
V1.4 - Release date 11 December 2010
What's new
Added - Characters for .NO (Norway) tlds
Added - Removes any TLDs that have been entered on the input line
Added - whois_lang file so that all text can be translated easily
Added - IP address can be banned
Added - Unwanted referers can be banned
Altered - POST calls to $PHP_SELF so that script can be renamed
Altered - short open tags changed to long open tags